Onboarding: A forgotten step in the recruitment process

by Andrew Childerley

Onboarding: A forgotten step in the recruitment process

We've all been there: You put in countless hours sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates. But they don't stick. When you've finally found the perfect fit, the work isn't over.

It's no secret that a significant number of new hires consider leaving within the first few months of employment. Factors like poor onboarding, unrealistic expectations, and a negative work environment can contribute to this. To keep your new hires engaged the first few weeks are critical. Focus on creating a positive and supportive environment to demonstrate what they can expect in a career as part of your team. 

Onboarding: Your opportunity to showcase company culture

A well-structured onboarding program is essential to ensure that your new hire feels valued, supported, and excited to be part of the team. Don't let all your hard work go to waste by neglecting this crucial step.

How you can make your onboarding process more effective:

  • Personal Touch: Take the time to get to know your new hire on a personal level. Ask about their interests, hobbies, and goals. Sounds simple right, but so often overlooked.
  • Ambassador: Consider defining part of a current employees duties to take a proactive approach to providing guidance, support, and a friendly face to new recruits.
  • Company Culture: Introduce your newbie to the company culture and values from day one. Although, if it's just a "veneer" you'll quickly be found out, so be genuine in what you promote. 
  • Social Events: A great way to welcome new recruits is through social events. Help them relax and connect with their colleagues in a less formal setting.
  • Feedback: Encourage open communication and ask for feedback to ensure your new hire feels valued and heard. Don't just assume they know as much as you about the company and how to engage with the team.

By investing in a strong onboarding program, you're not just making your new recruit feel welcome; you're also setting them up for success and reducing the risk of turnover. So, don't let all your hard work go to waste. Go the extra mile and make your new hire feel like part of the team.


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